Risk Checklist

Risk factors are habits or characteristics that make you more likely to get osteoporosis. Some risk factors are controllable, others aren’t.

Check the box next to each risk factor that applies to you. The more checks you have, the greater your risk of developing osteoporosis. But remember, risk factors only give you some indication of whether you might have osteoporosis. You could have few risk factors and still have osteoporosis.

I am a post-menopausal woman.
My eating pattern is low in bone protective foods such as milk, cheese, and yogurt.
As a child, I ate very few high-calcium foods.
I am or was a smoker.
I do not regularly participate in bone-building exercises like walking, dance aerobics, weight training, or jogging.
I am a moderate to heavy drinker (more than one drink a day on average for women; more than two for men).
I have or have had an eating disorder such as bulimia or anorexia.
I am a woman.
I have a small, thin frame.
A parent, grandparent, or sibling of mine had or has osteoporosis.
I went through menopause before age 50.
I have been through menopause and am not taking hormones.
I am taking or have taken corticosteroids (like Prednisone), antiseizure medications (like Dilantin), or excessive amounts of thyroid medication (like Synthroid).